Innovation Alliance Statement on the Targeting Rogue and Opaque Letters (TROL) Act
Washington D.C. – Innovation Alliance Executive Director Brian Pomper released the following statement regarding the Targeting Rogue and Opaque Letters (TROL) Act:
“The Innovation Alliance applauds the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade for holding a hearing on their draft TROL Act bill. The Subcommittee has worked hard to take into account the views of all stakeholders in drafting a meaningful, balanced bill. We support the approach taken in the bill and believe it will address the vast majority of abusive behavior that small businesses and retail interests are facing.
“We believe the Act appropriately targets abusive behavior while maintaining the integrity of legitimate patent enforcement practices for all patent holders. Patents are essential to incentivizing invention, investment, research and development, and job growth. As such, any patent legislation should enhance those economic functions, or at a minimum should not inhibit them. The TROL Act targets a real problem while avoiding an overly broad approach that would impair the necessary and beneficial economic functions of the U.S. patent system.”
The Innovation Alliance represents innovators, patent owners and stakeholders from a diverse range of industries that believe in the critical importance of maintaining a strong patent system that supports innovative enterprises of all sizes. Innovation Alliance members can be found in large and small communities across the country, helping to fuel the innovation pipeline and drive the 21st century economy. Learn more at
Contact: Kat Maramba, (202) 412-9144,