From the Alliance

Sep. 16, 2014

Innovation Alliance Hails the 3rd Anniversary of the America Invents Act, Calls for Full Funding of the USPTO and Caution in Further Patent Legislation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Innovation Alliance released the following statement on the 3rd anniversary of the signing of the America Invents Act (AIA):

“The signing of the America Invents Act three years ago today ushered in the most sweeping changes to the U.S. patent system in nearly 60 years. Among other provisions, the AIA created tools that are successfully being used to weed out bad patents through administrative actions instead of expensive litigation. Those tools, along with recent major court decisions, demonstrate how much has been done in the past three years to improve patent quality and reduce litigation costs. Congress should tread carefully and ensure balance in making any further changes to the patent system.

A strong patent system is the foundation of our nation’s innovation economy, and the America Invents Act set us on the path to further strengthen that system. Given the important mission of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), we call on President Obama to nominate and for the Senate to confirm a new leader for the USPTO with the vision and experience needed at this critical time. We also call on Congress to fully fund the USPTO to ensure it has the resources to do its job properly and fully implement the important reforms embodied in the America Invents Act.”


The Innovation Alliance represents innovators, patent owners and stakeholders from a diverse range of industries that believe in the critical importance of maintaining a strong patent system that supports innovative enterprises of all sizes. Innovation Alliance members can be found in large and small communities across the country, helping to fuel the innovation pipeline and drive the 21st century economy.

Contact:  Jaime Horn, 202-827-7859,