U.S. Chamber of Commerce Global Innovation Policy Center: 2018 International IP Index
According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Global Innovation Policy Center 2018 International IP Index, the U.S. patent system fell to 12th in the world.
The sixth edition of the U.S. Chamber International IP Index “Create” is a blueprint for countries seeking to become true knowledge-based economies through an effective intellectual property (IP) architecture.
Every individual economy represents a blank canvas, with policymakers using broad strokes in the form of IP policy to paint their country’s innovative and creative futures. The Index benchmarks economies using 40 indicators in eight categories. New indicators in the areas of commercialization and systemic efficiency provide a more complete, bottom-to-top picture of the investments countries are making in support of domestic innovation and creativity. The 2018 Index includes five new economies – Costa Rica, Ireland, Jordan, Morocco, and the Netherlands – bringing the total number of economies benchmarked to 50.