Inventor’s Project Briefing Event: The Forgotten Inventor: Inventors Defend Intellectual Property
The Forgotten Inventor: Inventors Defend Intellectual Property
Inventors create their own event to discuss and explain why intellectual property protections are important and should not be weakened. Patent legislation, HR. 9, is quickly moving on Capitol Hill. Yet, only one inventor has been asked to testify at a hearing. This event is designed to right this oversight. Inventors from California, North Carolina, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Indiana, Minnesota, Virginia, and more states will be in town to discuss the issues that the current patent reform legislation will cause for innovators.
In the name of attempting to mitigate so-called patent “Trolls” Congress is lowering the ability to protect intellectual property. In fact, many of the provisions miss the abusive practices altogether and make it harder to defend intellectual property. Join us on Wednesday April 15th to hear from a group of inventors willing to take a day off from inventing to help defend the innovation economy for the next generation of inventors.
When: April 15th 12:00-1:00pm
Where: Longworth 1310
Lunch: Served
The Inventors:
Charles Sauer
Burke, VA
Louis Foreman, NC
Nancy Cramer, Laurel, MD
Bob Schmidt, FL
Glen Kotapish
Randy Landreneau,
Clearwater FL
Richard Baker,
West Newbury, MA
Paul Morinville.
Highland IN
Oliver Alabaster,
Alexandria, VA
Adrien Pelkus
San Diego, CA
Steve Lyon
Matthew Szymczyk
Los Angeles, CA
Warren Tuttle
New Canaan, CT
Dave Flinchbaugh,
Gary Lauder,
Palo Alto, CA
Shalom Wertsberger
Rochester, NY
Media Contact:
Phone: (202) 841-7999