Patent News

Jan. 10, 2018

Letter: State Chamber of Oklahoma Urges Senators Lankford and Inhofe To Support STRONGER Patents Act, by Fred Morgan

The State Chamber of Oklahoma sent a letter on January 10, 2018 to Senators James Lankford and James Inhofe urging them to support the STRONGER Patents Act.

January 10, 2018

Dear Senator:

Innovation and economic development are important to our state as we continue to grow and expand in many industries. These include: agriculture, medical research, large-scale economic projects and small businesses, among the many other parts of commerce that keep the wheels of our economy turning. Patent protection is imperative to these businesses to ensure their growth, expansion and success.

For example, Oklahoma State University, along with outside partners, has accrued several plant variety patents that have been a remarkable addition to our state’s agricultural industry. It has allowed local businesses to flourish and become successful contributors to our economy.

Currently, the U.S. is ranked 10th for patents issued. As a nation, we can do better. As a state, we can do better. The STRONGER Patents Act of 2017, a bi-partisan bill introduced by Senators Coons and Cotton, would assist those that make Oklahoma a key player economically by streamlining the patent process, essentially allowing the United States Patents Office to run more smoothly and efficiently. As it stands, it can take several years for a patent to be issued. Fixing this problem would allow the ambitious contributors in our state to move forward with the ideas they passionately invest in.

Essentially, The STRONGER Patents Act provides incentives for businesses to continue innovating and developing. Because the bill’s intent is to protect innovation, it is the State Chamber’s belief that supporting the Act would be beneficial for economic development and Oklahoma in general. Therefore, we respectfully request that you support The STRONGER Patents Act.

Fred S. Morgan